Sunday, June 21, 2009

the feel...

I'll probably end up posting fun pictures here from now on... I've been told that I have an 'eye' for taking fun photos of strange people and places. We shall see. We'll start the process off by a couple fun flicks from the last couple days.

So, this is the guy that I found particularly fun. He has a mullet. He is a big dude, meaning that he's not a stranger to fast food. He's also headed to the Sally Salon Store, maybe for some more product to keep the mullet under control. This man was lumbering across the road, I didn't have to slow down to take a picture, he made this completely necessary with his turtle-like pace.

In the tshirt world, I've got a quite a few designs done in the past week. A Ronald Reagan design, a Sarah Palin design, a Merle Haggard fan shirt and finally, the most successful of these - the Chet Atkins guitar shirt. All's well... should be updating the blog more often now, I've been neglecting this duty as of late.

Perhaps my cell phone camera will be ready to take some more public pics soon. I really wish my little Sony U20 will be up to the task once I get some more batteries... the ones I have now only last 20-30 shots and they're dead. So, that's the future. Until then... or next time...

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